In Just 45 Minutes You’ll Learn How You Can Easily Add $10-20K+ per Month in Cash Paying Patients and Become a Multi-6 Figure or 7 Figure Cash Practice Entrepreneur.

WARNING: The CashPT® Platinum Mastermind program is NOT for everyone. This is for ambitious action takers only who are ready to apply the proven systems and implement the profit boosting strategies to take your business to massive success. If you are not willing to do the work, DO NOT apply for this coaching program – you will not be accepted.

From: Aaron LeBauer

Date: 03/27/2025

Dear Success-Minded DPT,

Passionate Doctors of Physical Therapy like yourself are always asking me how much it would cost for me to work with you to help you get new patients in the door willing to pay cash for physical therapy, multiply your personal income, systemize your physical therapy marketing and see your way to massive success with your practice.

Until recently I was unable to work with you, the independent physical therapist and startup practice owner because my time was booked with treating patients (25-30 per week) in my clinic and with my private coaching clients.

So I would turn down the opportunity because you couldn’t afford to pay my $10,000/day consulting fee and I couldn’t justify turning away my patients, who’ve been coming to see me for years, nor afford to turn down the big industry heavy hitters who could afford to pay me the $35,000 a year price tag to get access to me.


Recently, I thought up a solution where you can work with me AND my top producing coaching clients to coach and mentor you all the way to massive success for a fraction of what the big mega physical therapy practices have paid to get coaching and consulting from me.

I’ll share more about this special opportunity for you in just a minute…
If you subscribe to my blog, get my emails, are a member of my Facebook group, listen to my podcast The CashPT® Lunch Hour, join me on my webinars, watch my YouTube videos or own any of my physical therapy business building programs and products then you know that the systems and strategies that I teach you are the real deal.

You also know that I’m the only physical therapy and cash practice coach out there who started and scaled a 100% physical therapy cash practice right out of PT school, also started a 7 figure online business and has helped more physical therapists, healthcare entrepreneurs and movement experts, like you, take their idea from conception all the way to a successful business and in the process earn multiple six & seven figures (all verifiable) than anyone else.

As I said, all verifiable as you’ll see in the case studies below and in the videos on this page.

I don’t think there’s anyone else in our industry who can make these claims and back it up with irrefutable proof like I can.

By now, I know it may sound like I’m bragging about how good I am and the success I can help you achieve… but I’m not saying any of this to impress you. What I’d like to do is impress upon you that IF you’re looking for a better way to treat patients (without some insurance adjuster named Jennifer in the middle of Iowa deciding on how you can treat your patients) or you desire to create an online business and earn passive income, then I, along with my top coaches and mastermind students can help take your business to 10X success faster than anyone else on the planet.

However, until recently I ONLY personally worked with my local patients, large corporations and mega brands across the physical therapy industry and that kept my services away from you, the everyday PT.

And even though I wanted to work with more physical therapists like yourself, self-driven, decisive, passionate physical therapists who are out there in the community helping people stay fit, healthy and mobile without pain medications, expensive imaging and unnecessary surgery, I kept finding myself turning away independent practice owners, start up cash practice entrepreneurs and side-hustle therapists who want to work with me 1-on-1 because my time was taken up treating my loyal patients here in Greensboro and by the big PT brands and multiple location clinic owners who could afford my $40,000 consulting fee.

But, I’ve kind of realized something about myself a few years ago.
As much as I like the challenge of working with multi-million dollar producing physical therapy clinics and chains, and treating 30 patients a week in my clinic here in Greensboro, I have a passion for the independent physical therapist who’s struggling to build his or her business and wants to get the competitive edge. After all, that’s how I got started in the industry too.

In fact, that’s why I started our CashPT® Platinum Mastermind. My goal with this mastermind and coaching program was to help others who are in the same position that I was once in. I wanted to help physical therapists just like YOU earn the multiple six figures you deserve.

I mean, you did pay 6 figures (and invest 3 years of your time) to get a doctoral degree!

Basically, I found that my true mission in life is to save 100 Million people worldwide from unnecessary surgery and my passion and purpose is to help motivated and ambitious physical therapists just like you (because I can’t do that alone) who want to achieve financial freedom, and have the ability to do what you want, when you want, for as long as you want.

For me, I now get my “kicks” by helping success-minded physical therapists make themselves a fortune with my proven direct-to-patient physical therapy marketing systems (forget marketing to physicians) and profit multiplying tactics – just like I have.

So, considering what I’ve discovered about myself…and considering how much of a value I could be to a physical therapy entrepreneur like you who cannot round-up $40,000 bucks to hire me for a year as your personal coach, advisor, and mentor…

I think I have come up with a solution where I can add hundreds of thousands of dollars to your bottom line and still keep your investment in this exclusive group affordable so that we can build you a truly successful physical therapy business without breaking the bank.

Like I was saying before…I’d demand $35,000 to sit with you for a couple weeks in an office, build you a strong marketing funnel for the year, a sales process, business systems and then give you the blueprint to hire other therapists, buy back your time, go on vacation without taking a pay cut, create passive income, build an online program and open up multiple locations.

But in just a moment, you’re going to learn how you can get me in your corner for an entire year for a fraction of that cost.


Dr. Megan Greco

Dr. Ben Bagge

Dr. Alexis Sams

"Many people immediately equate success with how much money is made, and that's fine.

However, I'd offer that many of us in Aaron's group view success in a myriad of ways besides our financial status, especially in the beginning.

I've worked with Aaron LeBauer on and off since 2016 at a time when my business was nothing more than a "side hustle." ¬This past September I was accepted into his Platinum Mastermind Group.

Since September (90 days) my net revenue has increased 235% just from clinic sessions.

This doesn't count the revenue from offsite workshops and my online offerings, all that Aaron has helped to streamline.

In September I was working full-time for a home health company in addition to running my clinic in the evenings.

By October, I was able to drop down to part-time. In January 2019, I'll be able to leave my home health job and focus 100% on my business.

This is all thanks to working with Aaron. He's the most supportive business coach ever - he even took the time and responded to some questions I had on his birthday.

But the best part of working with Aaron is that I'm the best version of myself I've ever been, both in and outside the clinic.

I have more time to focus on the things I love to do and my vision for my future, both personal and professional is bigger than I ever imagined.

So if you're solely focused on how much money he can help you make, you may be missing out. He's in the business of TOTAL TRANSFORMATION.

Working with Aaron LeBauer is the best business decision I ever made."

March Crouch "The Down There Doc"

Dr. Jess Jenney

Dr. Amanda Zarriello

Drs. Owen and Jennifer Johnston

Dr. Preston Brown

But you won’t have to pay $40,000 to have one-on-one access to me.

But you won’t have to pay $35,000 to have one-on-one access to me.

See, now I’m on a new mission. I want to work with you, the independent thinking, the up and coming physical therapy entrepreneur who wants to create a physical therapy business that’s focused on delivering amazing results and massive value (without relying on insurance companies) to the clients and the community you serve.

So, I got to thinking…

…What I did was come up with a game plan where I could work with a select group of physical therapists over a 12-24 month period, giving you the marketing, sales, operations and business systems that you need to take your business to the next level – PLUS the motivation, mindset, accountability, and support to help you put everything into action so that you can start getting more patients immediately!

The goal with this program would be to simply teach you how to grow and scale your business quickly and give you the resources, wisdom and action steps you need to make massive profits from your physical therapy business so that you can build a competition proof lifestyle business.

In the past when I’ve offered this type of coaching I’ve only offered phone and email access to me, but I know there’s something extremely powerful about being face-to-face and working together towards a common goal.

And that’s what makes this HYBRID coaching program so different… it comes with a VERY special bonus for you.

In addition to having phone and email access to us, you’ll also get to come to three mastermind meetings a year where we’ll meet as a group and spend an entire weekend together sharing what’s working best to get more leads and clients, maximize profits, and teach you strategies to help you grow your business faster and without frustrations.

You’ll also get access to our CashPT® Platinum Mastermind private Facebook group that’s strictly dedicated to our elite coaching clients and that’s where everyone in the mastermind shares their biggest business wins, clients getting secrets and success strategies with each other.

PLUS, as a member of the CashPT® Platinum Mastermind you’ll get four 60 minute coaching calls each month so that we can keep you on track of your success, help answer your most pressing questions and give you new marching orders so that you can continue to dominate your path to massive success!

And finally, you’ll get Facebook messenger access to me so that we can look over your marketing material, email broadcasts, promotions, and sales copy to help you better your marketing, sales, and referral generation funnels.

Like I said, when I offered coaching similar to this in the past I sold it for $35,000 and I had no shortage of clients.

However, now that my mission is to help you, the individual physical therapy entrepreneur – I’ve come up with a way to give you MORE while charging you much less.

In fact, you get access to me, plus three mastermind meeting a year, private "action and accountability” coaching calls, monthly advance master class training and access to our private Facebook group where all of our mastermind members share their successful tactics and can ask for help from other like minded peers.

So, for your first 15 months of access to The CashPT® Platinum Mastermind program you’ll invest just $27,300 if you wish to pay in full, or $2,100 a month for 15 months (after that we go month to month and you can stay as long as you're loving it).

The choice is yours upon acceptance.

Twenty-one hundred dollars a month is a pittance considering all that you'll get from this high level mentorship and coaching program.

It’s like getting a Doctorate in building and growing a massively successful physical therapy business. Kinda like your DPT program, but... that actually helps you make more money, help more people, spend more time with your family and break through the income barriers most PT business owners struggle with.

But not everyone who applies will be accepted in this mastermind.

I’m looking for ‘A’ level players who are driven action takers and ready to dominate! If you are allergic to hard work then please DO NOT apply for this mastermind, it’s not for you.

We’re offering you this unique opportunity to have me, a 7 figure producing cash-based physical therapy business coach, give you years of proven physical therapy business experience, expertise, and prowess to help you scale to multiple-6 and 7 figures over the next 24-36 months.

Think about it…

What would an additional $120,000 a year in income mean to you? Just 1 strategy you learn and implement could do this for you!

Or even just an additional $10K per month on top of what you’re already making today?

If you watched the case study videos and read through the success stories on this page then you know how valuable this mastermind group is to the future of your success, survival and growth.

But it’s not all about the money… it’s about being able to help more people, create a bigger impact in your community and giving you and your family a better quality of life.

It’s about helping you achieve better balance, more security and freedom to enjoy the life that you want to live.

Our goal, together, will be to double, redouble and even redouble again the annual profits and impact your physical therapy business makes.

It’s just that simple.

Whether you have started a side hustle, are in the process of starting up a physical therapy practice or already own a clinic and want to take it too the next level...

The CashPT® Platinum Mastermind program can help you systematize your marketing, increase profits, boost client retention and help you build a business that serves your lifestyle.

Imagine having your own business coach and mentor at your fingertips.

And imagine the speed of success that you’ll achieve when you have the answers to your most pressing business question and marketing needs – that’s what separates the super successful and highly profitable from the struggling and frustrated PT owners.

In fact, recently we helped one of our coaching clients find an additional $30K/month in hidden income in his cash-based physical therapy business after just one coaching call, saved another client $12,000 by helping her negotiate a new lease and another started her practice and within 8 months generated over $186,000 her first year in business.

What if we can show you how to out-market and out-position your competitors and double or triple your income in the next 12-24 months – all while spending less time working and more time doing the things you love?

Or how about if we could help you set your entire marketing and new patient attraction system on autopilot so you can spend more time with your family and never have to worry about where your next patient will come from?

Can you see all the opportunities that a mentorship and coaching program like this can give you?

This is a huge opportunity for you... You can have me as your personal business mentor… guiding you to extraordinary income, helping you create additional profit streams that you didn’t even think about, and systematizing your marketing and physical therapy business so that you never have to stress out over where you’re going to get your next patient from.


Membership to this group is by invite only. Before we offer you an invitation for The CashPT® Platinum Mastermind Group, we’d like to meet you and see if we’re going to be a good fit.

So, I would like to invite you to get on a New Patient Strategy Call and see if joining us in the Platinum Mastermind where we’ll get to work together and help you better your business is your next step.

You’ll experience what it’s like to be part of this one of a kind mastermind and you’ll be surrounded by like-minded high achievers and industry transformers ready to help you take your company to its fullest potential in income and impact!

So, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, click the button below and apply for your FREE New Patient Strategy Call so you can join us at the next in-person mastermind retreat and experience first hand the exact steps, strategies and mindset to accelerate your success.

Here is just a tiny sliver of the game-changing secrets and tricks you’ll discover:

  •  ​How to out-market and out-position your competitors
  •  How to collect $250/hour (or more) from patients even if they have great insurance
  •  How to put your entire marketing and client attraction system on autopilot
  •  How to diversify your income streams so you’re no longer relying on you personally treating patients
  •  How to get your business so dialed-in that you can take 8 vacations a year or even go on a 3-week extended vacation without taking a pay cut
  •  How to double or triple your income in just 12-24 months
  •  How to create additional profit streams (that you don’t even have to think about)
  •  How to guarantee high patient retention and turn referrals in to a reliable system
  •  How to install a high-performance mindset in yourself, no matter where you come from or where you’re starting out!

Like I said before, as long as you come in ready to take action, just two days of this program will completely turn your business around.

How It Works:

1. Fill out the application below.

2. Your application will be received by our CashPT® Scale Specialist Derek Nielsen

3. If your application shows that you are ready to join, we will reach out to schedule a 45-minute New Patient Strategy Call for you to find out more details about your business and confirm that you would be a good fit for the coaching program.

4. If everything checks out alright, and this coaching group is the next step in your journey, you will get your ticket over the phone.

5. You will receive a confirmation email from us along with all of the details of the mastermind (like the times and exact locations of everything).

6. You come to the mastermind ready to do the work and take action.

7. You take the knowledge you learn and your call to action and you implement IMMEDIATELY, we will literally give you things to implement right after the mastermind finishes when you go up to your hotel room

8. $$$

Please complete this short application form and we'll reach out to you to set up a Free Strategy & Scale Session if everything checks out...

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